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Tatami Coach Accreditation

EKF Tatami Accreditation

Just like Referees & Judges, Coaches play an integral part to the success of sport karate.  One of the most important parts of an athletes journey comes from the education and guidance from their coach.  To ensure athletes are getting the best education, coaches must undergo some basic education to be able to coach at any EKF Championships.  This education comes in the form of the EKF Tatami Coach Accreditation Qualification.  Any coach wishing to coach at an official EKF Championships must acquire this qualification before being allowed to do so.

What is it and why do we need it?

The Coach Accreditation Qualification is designed to ensure that coaches who wish to coach their students at EKF Championships meet certain criteria before being allowed to do so and any coach allowed to interact with athletes do so with the knowledge of what is expected and a basic knowledge of the WKF competition rules.

Requirements - DBS

Firstly, and most importantly they must have a current DBS check on the Update Service. Safeguarding our members is our main priority and holding a DBS on the Update Service is the most important step to ensure that.

Requirements - Education

Secondly, each candidate will be required to attend and pass the EKF Tatami Coach Accreditation Course. The course is designed to educate coaches as to the basic WKF competition rules (Kata & Kumite), how to behave on and around the tatami and their responsibilities as a coach including UK Anti Doping.

At the end of each course, candidates are asked to sit a basic exam covering the course content.  Their result in this exam determines whether or not they are awarded the Tatami Coach Accreditation Badge as well as the duration that the qualification lasts for.

Here is the list of required passmarks and the duration of the Badge:-

50% - 1 Year Badge
60% - 2 Year Badge
70% - 3 Year Badge

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