Why Clean Sport Matters

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Ensuring the integrity of sport is crucial for maintaining its spirit and fairness. Athletes, support personnel, and sports administrators all have responsibilities to uphold anti-doping regulations

Key Points:

  • UK Anti-Doping (UKAD): The UK's national body for anti-doping, governed by international rules.
  • Strict Liability: Athletes are responsible for everything they consume.
  • Testing: Can occur at any time and place.
  • Risks: Contaminated supplements and certain medications can lead to failed tests.


  • Awareness: Understand anti-doping rules and consequences.
  • Communication: Inform doctors and coaches about anti-doping requirements.
  • Verification: Always check medications and apply for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) if necessary.
  • Education: Use resources like the 100% me Clean Sport App and UKAD's Clean Sport Hub for guidance.

Collaboration with English Karate Federation

The English Karate Federation works closely with UKAD to promote clean sport and ensure that its athletes adhere to the highest standards of anti-doping regulations.

Get Involved

  • Report Doping: Speak out if you suspect doping.
  • Stay Updated: Follow UKAD for the latest news and updates.

For more detailed information, visit the UK Anti-Doping Introduction to Clean Sport page.

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