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Referee Qualifications

Any EKF member ages 16yrs or over and 1st Dan or above can train to become a National Official.  National Referee Courses are held throughout the year in the North, Midlands and South under the tutelage of EKF Chief Referee & Head of Referee Education Peter Bibby.

Firstly, you must attend a Referee course to gain some basic knowledge of the practical and theory requirements to become an official.  Valuable experience can also be gained assisting at local and regional tournaments.

To attempt a qualification, you would need to attend a second course.  Each year there is a designated course where Theory Examinations and Practical Assessments are undertaken.  If a candidate is successful at this course, they would then need to attend the EKF National Championships to ratify this new qualification.  Once both of these stages have been completed, they will be presented with their Certificate and Badge.

Check out our Calendar & News Pages for details of future courses and events.

Below you will find a list of the National, Continental and International Qualifications in ascending order along with the requirements for passing a National Qualification.

National Referee & Judge Qualifications and Requirements


  • National Kata Judge 'C' (Min 16yrs / 1st Dan / 70% Theory Exam)
  • National Kata Judge 'B' (Min 18yrs / 1st Dan / 80% Theory Exam)
  • National Kata Judge 'A' (Min 21yrs / 2nd Dan / 90% Theory Exam)


  • National Kumite Judge 'C' (Min 16yrs / 1st Dan / 70% Theory Exam)
  • National Kumite Judge 'B' (Min 18yrs / 1st Dan / 80% Theory Exam)
  • National Kumite Judge 'A' (Min 18yrs / 1st Dan / 80% Theory Exam)
  • National Kumite Referee 'B' (Min 18yrs / 1st Dan / 85% Theory Exam)
  • National Kumite Referee 'A' (Min 21yrs / 2nd Dan / 90% Theory Exam)

National Karate Referee 'A*' - Must hold both National Kumite Referee 'A' and National Kata Judge 'A', attend a minimum of 4 out of the 6 National Tournaments in a calendar year and perform to the highest standards. 

National Judge 'C' (Kata or Kumite) is an introductory qualification for Members of Associations who have no Association Referee Program who are new to the officiating experience.  After attending the initial training course and basic assessment, they will gain valuable experience volunteering at National events learning what is involved in the basic roles on the Tatami (Score Supervisor/Kansa Assist).  After gaining experience over a 12 month period, they are then permitted to attempt the Judge 'B' Qualification.

Continental Referee & Judge Qualifications (European Karate Federation)


  • EKF Kata Judge 'B'
  • EKF Kata Judge 'A'


  • EKF Kumite Judge 'B'
  • EKF Kumite Judge 'A'
  • EKF Kumite Referee 'B'
  • EKF Kumite Referee 'A'

International Referee & Judge Qualifications (World Karate Federation)


  • WKF Kata Judge 'B'
  • WKF Kata Judge 'A'


  • WKF Kumite Judge 'B'
  • WKF Kumite Judge 'A'
  • WKF Kumite Referee 'B'
  • WKF Kumite Referee 'A'

Continental & International Qualification Requirements


Recommendations for taking a Continental or International Qualification are made by the Chief Referee following reports from Tatami Managers at National Championships after a minimum of 2 years as a National Karate Referee 'A*' 

National Karate Referee 'A*' - Must hold both National Kumite Referee 'A' and National Kata Judge 'A', attend a minimum of 4 out of the 6 National Tournaments in a calendar year and perform to the highest standards. Candidates must also be a minimum of 2nd Dan or above.  Anyone who does not fulfil the above criteria and/or does not perform to the expected high standard will lose their A* status and not be considered for Continental or International upgrade.

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