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Inclusivity in the English Karate Federation

Equality, diversity and inclusion

At the English Karate Federation, we uphold the belief that every individual matters and contributes to our shared journey. Our ethos of equality, diversity, and inclusion is deeply ingrained in our values of respect, collaboration, and integrity.

We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels valued, empowered, and included, regardless of their background or identity. This commitment runs through all aspects of our operations, leadership, and governance.

Karate within our federation is a sport where athletes of all abilities and backgrounds can train together and compete on equal footing. We are dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all, striving to eliminate socio-economic inequalities and ensure that everyone has access to the transformative benefits of karate.

We recognize the importance of creating a safe and welcoming space for everyone involved in our activities, particularly children and young people, whose welfare is paramount in everything we do.

Diversity is celebrated and embraced within our federation, as we welcome individuals from all cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles to participate in karate practice. Our goal is to offer fair access and participation to all, promoting good sportsmanship and mutual respect among our members.

Inclusion is not just a statement but a commitment to action. We endeavour to actively include people from all walks of life in our karate community, ensuring that no one is left out and that everyone feels they belong.

Join us in our journey to make karate a sport where diversity is celebrated, inclusion is practiced, and equality is upheld for all.

Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion is genuine and long term, so if you have any ideas on how to make our sport more diverse and inclusive, please email EDI@englishkaratefederation.com and we will listen and work together as one EKF

Steven Coupland - President

Steven Coupland - President

English Karate Federation

As President of the English Karate Federation, I am proud to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion within our karate community. At the EKF, we believe that karate is for everyone, irrespective of background or identity. We strive to create an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to pursue their passion for karate. Diversity is not just welcomed; it is celebrated, and inclusion is not just a goal; it is a fundamental principle that guides our actions. Together, let us continue to champion diversity, foster inclusivity, and uphold the spirit of equality in every aspect of our federation.


The EKF are proud to announce that after liaising closely with National Disability Sports Organisation's and other experts within the field of disability sport, we have a developed a range of guides available for coaches which we hope will be of benefit. 

Visual Impairments Karate Guide


Hearing Impairment Karate Guide


Down's Syndrome Karate Guide


Autism and Karate Guide


Wheelchair Coaching Guide


Inclusive Competition Guide


Inclusivity Crib Sheets

Here are some Inclusivity Crib Sheets that may help you also. 

Being Inclusive -Women In Sport


Being Inclusive -BAME Participation


Being Inclusive - LGBTQ+ Community


Being Inclusive - Disability

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